British actress Elizabeth Hurley says she loves visiting India, and likes to combine business and pleasure during her trips to the country.”I adore visiting India and make the trip at least twice a year. I combine business and pleasure,” Hurley told. “I produce all my beautiful kaftans and dresses for my beachwear company in Mumbai and I also have some very dear friends in the city,” she added.
Hurley is back in India, and is currently enjoying her trip to the city of dreams Mumbai. She tweeted earlier this week, “Uber strike in Mumbai today. Traffic moving for once. Wish they’d stay on strike. Love the old black and yellow taxis.”
Hurley was once married to Arun Nayar, a businessman of Indian origin. Her affair with India started when she got married to Nayar at Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur in 2007. Her marriage ended with a divorce in 2011, but Hurley developed a special connection with the country, where she keeps making short trips every now and then.