Kaala might just pic up in the coming days.
Tamil Nadu might have given Rajinikanth‘s Kaala the warmest welcome yesterday with Rs 15 crore gross on Day 1 but Andhra Pradesh and Telangana didn’t bring much cheer its way. Trade Analyst and industry tracker Sreedhar Pillai mentions in his column on Firstpost, “As per early reports Kaala’s performance has been below average in other markets. In regions of Andhra and Telangana, the film has opened below average and is reported to have grossed around Rs 6.5 cr on day one. In Kerala, the Ramadan period and the advent of monsoon has taken a toll. Kaala got a truncated release in Karnataka due to opposition from pro-Kannada elements with hardly a dozen screens out of the 160 planned screening the film. The fans, fearing mob attack, kept away. Today on its second day of its all India release, the Rajinikanth film will be playing in all announced screens in Karnataka. In North India early reports indicate it has taken around 35 per cent opening.”
Pillai further mentions that thanks to the controversy surrounding Kaala, the film saw good response in Tamil Nadu if not anywhere else. What also helped for the film was the Government of the stated allowed extra morning shows on Thursday and Friday. Generally, it allows only four daily, five on Saturday, Sunday and on festival holidays. The film also saw a good response in Chennai with Rs 1.78 crore as multiplexes increased ticket rates.
Well for the movie to become a hit, it will need more money from all regions. We hope that happens from today onwards.