Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are all set to tie the knot this year. As per reports, the wedding will take place on 20th of November at Lake Como, Italy.
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are all set to tie the knot this year. As per reports, the wedding will take place on 20th of November at Lake Como, Italy. While fans of the two are super excited about this wedding and desperate for the pictures of the same, they might be in for a heartbreak. The latest reports suggest that there will be no pictures or videos reaching you from the ceremony.
As per a report by DNA, Deepika and Ranveer have requested the guests to not bring their mobile phones to the wedding ceremony. You might think that is hard to pull off but given that only 30 people are invited to the wedding, it certainly is possible. A source was quoted by DNA, ” “They have asked guests to not bring their cell phones to the ceremony. Considering the fact that it will be a destination wedding, there will be fewer people and all the arrangements will be in place. While the two, in all likelihood, will share pictures with their fans eventually, they hope this step will help them guard their privacy.”
Well, we get their reservations. Anushka Sharma only issued a limited number pictures from her Tuscany wedding but due to the guests there, quite a lot of videos made their way to the internet. And Sonam…well, her wedding was almost live streamed by guests like Ranveer Singh, Arjun Kapoor, Jacqueline Fernandez.
While it does make sense to keep a ceremony like this private, we still cannot help but hope that we get enough pictures from this dreamy wedding. Deepika and Ranveer, think about your fans! Will you?
As per a report by Filmfare, the lovebirds will throw a grand reception party in Mumbai soon after their Italian wedding. We are sure a lot of pictures and videos will reach the internet that day.