The third chapter of Jurassic World, the rebooted Jurassic Park franchise, is set to feature original stars Sam Neill, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum, besides Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jake Johnson and Omar Sy among others.
Chris Pratt says the scale of the third Jurassic World movie is equivalent to the 2019’s superhero blockbuster Avengers: Endgame.
The third chapter of the rebooted Jurassic Park franchise is set to feature original stars Sam Neill, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum, besides Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jake Johnson and Omar Sy among others.
Appearing on Ellen DeGeneres’ show, Chris Pratt said the film’s script, penned by director Colin Trevorrow and Emily Carmichael, is “unbelievable” and he just can’t wait to work on it.
“It’s got everybody. It’s got pretty much everybody in it. Maybe I just blew it, but I don’t care. All of the cast from the original Jurassic Park is coming back, so it’s going to feel very much like how Endgame brought everything together at Marvel,” the actor said.
“It’s a massive movie, it’s a big movie. We’ll be all over the world. The story is really, really engaging, really cool. It’s gonna be big,” he added.
Jurassic World 3 has a release date of June 11, 2021.