Sonam Kapoor Ahuja tied the knot with her long-time beau Anand Ahuja in a traditional Anand Karaj ceremony in Mumbai on May 8th. The celebrations were marvellous with the who’s who of Bollywood attending the grand bash. Sonam’s besties from the Bollywood industry graced the occasion and were present for all the three events, sangeet, wedding and the reception. Swara Bhasker who will be seen sharing the screen with Sonam in ‘Veere Di Wedding’ almost did not make it to the wedding. During a media interaction, Sonam and Swara revealed that the astrologer had picked March 12th as the wedding date for the newly wed actress. However, Swara’s brother too was getting married on the same day. Sonam insisted that Swara tried to postpone Ishan’s (Swara’s brother) wedding, and in fact, she went to the extent of talking to her parents and even the bride’s parents in order to get the dates changed.
On the other hand, Swara was trying to convince Anil Kapoor and Sunita Kapoor to postpone Sonam’s wedding to a later date. Swara apparently came up with a plan to bribe the pundit to shift the wedding date and not tell her parents, Anil Kapoor and Sunita Kapoor. The actresses also revealed that there was a point when they planned to get both the weddings happen at the same venue. But, that did not materialise either.
Eventually, things got worked out and Sonam’s wedding got delayed. Swara and Sonam along with Kareena and Shikha will be seen in ‘Veere Di Wedding’ which is slated to release on June 1st.