Shah Rukh Khan on Monday shared Katrina Kaif’s look in upcoming Bollywood movie Zero. The Badshah of Bollywood shared the photo of birthday girl Katrina Kaif with a heartfelt post.
Shah Rukh Khan on Monday shared Katrina Kaif’s look in upcoming Bollywood film Zero. The Badshah of Bollywood shared the photo of birthday girl Katrina Kaif with the caption, “There are so many lovely pictures of her, but this one speaks to me beyond my friends beauty….hope u all also give it love.”
In the latest still from Aanand L Rai directorial Zero, the actor looks, for a lack of a better word, upset about something. In the photo, she is seen surrounded by a group of bodyguards as she is being clicked by the paparazzi. Shah Rukh also wrote a sweet post along with the photo. Here is what it said:
“We know she is beautiful. We know she has set our hearts fluttering. She has loved like she has never been hurt. She dances like nobody’s watching her. She has lived like it’s heaven on earth. But all us actors wait for the moment when we can sink our teeth into a character deeper than beauty and its trappings. Here’s my friend on her birthday braving to enthrall us in a new avatar. You may ask ‘why so serious..?’ Hmmm… Aapka pata nahi, mujhe toh gusse mein yeh aur bhi haseen lagti hai. Happy birthday my brave and beautiful Katrina…Love, Shah Rukh.”
There are so many lovely pictures of her, but this one speaks to me beyond my friends beauty….hope u all also give it love.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) 16 July 2018
Zero stars Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif in pivotal roles. The film has been directed by Aanand L Rai, who has previously helmed movies like Tanu Weds Manu and Tanu Weds Manu: Returns. While the film will see Shah Rukh as a vertically challenged man, not much has been revealed about either Anushka or Katrina’s role in the film.
Zero will release on December 21, 2018.