Comic book legend Stan Lee has asked his fans to be wary of his fake profiles on social media and said he is only active on Twitter. The 95-year-old popular comic book writer took to the microblogging site where he uploaded a video to warn his followers about false accounts impersonating him.”You are the greatest fans in the world. And I want you to remember that all my messages are only on Twitter. Not on the other groups. I can only do so much.
“So, I’ve chosen Twitter and I look forward to seeing you on Twitter as often as it is possible. ‘Coz I love you all,” Lee said in the clip.
The writer quipped how he had to start wearing glasses due to the barrage of messages from fans.
“I’m going blind reading them all. But it’s well worth it,” Lee can be seen joking in the video.
“Thanks to my friend @Jack who created Twitter, I am only on Twitter. No other social media. The rest like Facebook are hacked and people impersonating me. But I love Twitter,” he captioned the video.
Thanks to my friend @Jack who created Twitter, I am only on Twitter. No other social media. The rest like Facebook are hacked and people impersonating me. But I love Twitter.
— stan lee (@TheRealStanLee) 27 May 2018